Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Break the Heat!

As everyone knows, it's Hotter than Hades here in Texas this summer. Every time I walk outside I feel like I'm walking straight into an oven. My main remedy is to simply stay inside as much as possible. And, of course, drink ice cold diet coke! Even my pool is to hot to swim in. It feels more like a bath tub than a swimming pool.

I came across an article via A Cup of Jo this morning listing 10 Amazing Public Pools. As I browse the photos I'm instantly in another place. One where it's not one hundred and fifty million degrees outside.
Wouldn't it be lovely to spend your summer frequenting one of these gorgeous pools?! My only chance at this dream is taking a drive down to Austin to play at Barton Springs, a 1,000 ft. long, natural spring fed pool where water temperatures rise from 68 to 78 degrees in the summer. 
Now, I'd say THAT'S a way to break the heat! Last-minute road-trip anyone?
